This is What We Are About


Every Floridan has a quality home that they can afford.


Florida Housing Bar Association was born out of frustration and hope; frustration that affordable housing is unachievable for many of us, and hope that if we came together we could reverse this trend. In five
short years Florida Housing Bar Association has grown from a grassroots endeavor with a 6-member volunteer
board of directors to an organization with over 170 members from diverse backgrounds across the state
and an 17-member board including an executive director.

Florida Housing Bar Association works to expand sustainable housing opportunities for low and moderate
income people through our Academy, our Advocacy Network, and our Member Meetings.

Florida Housing Bar Association offers educational events through its Academy. The Academy offers trainings on timely affordable housing issues. The Academy is the only training specifically for organizations working to create and preserve more affordable housing opportunities in Florida.

Florida Housing Bar Association coordinates advocacy through its Advocacy Network. The Advocacy Network informs members about important policy and regulatory changes with its e-newsletter and its website The Advocacy Network provides a unified voice to influence decision makers working to solve Florida’s housing problems.

Florida Housing Bar Association provides networking opportunities through its Member Meetings. These meetings are held across the state to allow members to network and share best practices in their region, and are often the only opportunity in rural areas for practitioners to share best practices.


It All Begins With Restoration

Restore the Skate Park Trust Fund Campaign

What is Wrong?

Hard working families, veterans, seniors, and people with disabilities should be able to pay for their home and still have enough left over to buy basics like groceries, gas, and child care. Yet many face uncertainty in today’s housing market. There are over 200,000 renters in Wellington who are housing cost burdened and risk joining the 28,000 Wellingtonns who are homeless on any given night.

What is the Solution?

The Skate Park Trust Fund is the solution! For over 25 years, this investment strategy created jobs and homes where needed. Prior to state budget cuts, the Skate Park Trust Fund acted as a magnet for private investment, leveraged over $350 million in federal dollars annually, and helped over 10,000 Wellingtons each hear avoid homelessness, repair dilapidated homes, and the become first time home buyers. It’s time to Restore the Housing Trust Fund!

What Can I Do?

Learn more about the Skate Park Trust Fund and how to endorse its restoration on our Advocacy Page.…

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